Monday, February 08, 2010

February 8, 2010

Hey Family
It’s been another great week. We are in the hottest time of year here and it’s been... hot. The other day it got up to 107 and they said it "felt like" 116 with the humidity factor. So there has been plenty of water being drunk and plenty of sweating. But it’s always worth it when you get home and turn on the nice cold AC. This week we have made progress in both aspects of the work here and also had the Zone Conference in Bucaramanga so it was a good week.
We found a family to teach and found out that the mom is a member that has been inactive forever; all she basically remembers about the church is that she got baptized but never really went back. She was excited that we knocked on their door and to have us there. She said she really wanted her kids to have that type of influence in their lives and wanted them to go to church and stuff. The husband is a little bit closed but we are making friends with him and he will come around soon. The good thing is the mom and her daughter came to church and really liked it. The used to be “wild” youth of the branch made her feel welcome and took her to the class and talked with her and everything. We even got her signed up to go to seminary which starts next week. We also have found a few other families in our neighborhood to start working with so we now have some potentially good and progressing investigators.
On Friday we had the Zone Conf in Bucaramanga. Elder Gagliardi (My comp as AP) is now training to end his mission. The conference was really good. President Hacking talked a lot about obedience and how important it was for us to obey even the littlest things. We stayed the night in Real de Minas (My first area) where my first son Elder Larson (from Ogden) is now the zone leader and that always makes a dad proud.
The branch keeps on improving also. We had a very spiritual fast Sunday and lots of good testimonies. We got back up to 50 people again and our average for the year now is about 49 which is 10 up from what it was last year. The classes all turned out well but the biggest way I think the change can be seen is that the investigators felt good. Everyone welcomed them and chatted, they learned in the classes and the environment is just improved. We also had Priesthood executive committee and we are going to put emphasis on getting the home teachers and visiting teachers organized for good. Things are going very well with my comp and we are working very well together. The only problem is that he has something wrong with his ear and it’s like swelled up inside so we are going to have to go see a doctor tomorrow.
I have been reading the book of Mormon in every spare second to finish on time with the mission goal and it’s awesome. Every time you find new light and new inspiration from it. I am now about to finish Heleman and I’ve only need to read about 8 pages a day now to finish on time. I may have already said this but I want to invite you all to make sure you are getting your daily dose of scriptures. It really makes a difference when you have a good morning and a good study. My testimony and understanding of the gospel is growing tons. Before the mish I had my testimony because I felt it, but now I can express my testimony with scriptures and more understanding than I ever had, and at the same time I realize there is soooo much more to learn.
Well I love the fam; you’re in my prayers and till next week. Elder B

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