Monday, October 13, 2008

B.J.'s Birthday

B.J. loves birthdays - especially his own. Actually, he LOVES ANY celebrations. He takes such great joy in life. I don't think that he is ever unhappy. He loves to start a countdown until the next one. The day after Christmas he will say, "Only 364 days until Christmas."

We have had a great day. B.J. got some nice presents. He is very hard to find things for because he is so content with what he already has. He doesn't want the newest or latest gadgets etc. He usually ends up with some new clothes and a game or joke book. The present that he loves the most is spending quality time with his family.

Bruce and I took him to dinner to his place of choice. He chose Don Pedro's Restaurant where he ordered his favorite dinner there - Enchiladas a la Crema. They surprised him by coming around after we had finished the main course and putting a huge Mexican hat on his head. They then sang Happy Birthday. He was grinning from ear to ear when they placed a beautiful dessert of Fried Ice Cream with chocolate syrup on the top, in front of him. He could hardly wait for the Birthday song to be over with before he dug into the ice cream.

What a fun day and hey - it's only 364 days until his next birthday.

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