Friday, June 06, 2008

Angie's Birthday

Yesterday was our daughter Angie's birthday. We remember so vividly the day she was born. It was a beautiful sunny morning, shortly after 8 A.M. We were so excited to have a second baby girl. She was a tiny, (5 lb.13 oz) beauty. She has been such a joy to us ever since.
This brings back so many memories. We had moved into Student Housing at U of A. in Edmonton. The year was 1977. Bruce had just completed his first year of Law School. We did not know then that we would be moving again in 2 months to Drake University in Des Moines Iowa where Bruce would complete his Law degree in a combined Law/MBA program. We now had two lovely little girls, Amy our first daughter was just 20 months old. We were as poor as church mice but happy. It was a tumultuous time but oh so exciting.
I have posted some scrapbook pages from Angie's life.


Amy said...

awww, these are so cute. Happy birthday Ang!

Char said...

What a cute girl!! I'm so glad that you've shared her with our family. She's a gem!!!