Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Will with his new companion, Elder Araujo from Peru. Will says that he is a great teacher.

We just received a package from Will - the first one that he has sent from Colombia. He sent 2 CD's with pictures he had burned on them. Someone opened the envelope, cut the tape on the inner box and removed the CD's. I'm very grateful that they didn't think they were worth stealing so they did put them back in the parcel but NOT in the secure box. The package was really a mess by the time we got it and I'm sooo glad that they were not broken. Whew. That is a little miracle. I am just so relieved to have all these wonderful pictures - I'll post some on his blog. We told him NOT to delete his memory cards until we had the pictures safely here.

Next time I send him a package, I think that I will include some of the Jesus stickers that I bought, so that he can put them on the packages he sends home. I always put them on the parcels I send him and so far he has received them okay. I think that they must really help. They say that the postal workers are really influenced by religious pictures and are less likely to steal those packages. I guess we say a prayer with each package we send and hope for the best.

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