Monday, June 01, 2009

Zone Conferences

We didn't get Will's letter until really late. I was getting a little worried. He was not able to get to a computer until tonight because he had so many things to do. What a prep day.

HOLA Familia,
Sorry it’s so late - life is great. We spent the whole day helping Pres. Camargo move out of his house so we got to the offices late and just finished the rigorous work of compiling ALL the stats of the mission so now with 5 minutes left I can start my p day. I guess that’s my new life haha, I will go I will do...

This week has been nuts, there is so much I could write but not too much time. I am trying to get things down in my journal and hopefully next week I can get everything written. This week we did 2 zone conferences here in Bogotá with about 35 missionaries each. We trained them for an hour and it went great. We used some pretty cool ideas.

Also we did companion interchanges in 2 little suburbs of Bogotá. That’s where my companion and I each go with different companionships for a day and a night and try to get them motivated, help them in their area, and fix any problems if there are any. I will be learning to live out of my little suitcase. Its so crazy because we get to the lessons and when it’s time to make the commitment, teach some of the main principles or take out the baptismal date, the other elders just kind of look at me and I know I have to be able to do it. But the Lord has really blessed me and all has turned out very well. We were able to have some great lessons and take out some baptismal dates and find great people. President Camargo says the purpose of the interchanges is to re-motivate the missionaries, correct what they are doing wrong and leave them excited and spiritually uplifted to work hard.

I still feel sometimes like I am walking in shoes a few sizes too big (more responsibilities than I am prepared for) but everything we have had to do has gone great and I have been able to do everything I need and still remain sane and happy thanks to the Lord, actually more than sane, I am loving all the things we get to do and the chance to help the other missionaries. I am learning to humble myself and I know it’s for my best.

I haven’t been able to read your letters, I just barely had time to print them and I will be able to read them in the apartment as soon as we get back. Tomorrow I am going to Cucuta by plane to stay until Thursday working with the missionaries and then doing zone conference there by myself because Elder Corro will be in Bucaramanga doing the conference.

I have so much I wish I could write you but time is short so I will try and get everything in my journal and hopefully get some more written next week. We have been very busy getting everything ready for the change of the mission president and there has been a ton to do with that as well as preparing the zone leaders conference where all the zone leaders come to Bogotá and we have a meeting of how we can improve every zone. All I can say is I am learning tons, very busy but I love it and I can rrrrrreally feel the spirit helping me more than ever.

I got a package today. I haven’t had time to open it but will do so when we get home. I really feel bad that I can’t write more, I read a few of your questions but I will have to answer next time. Please tell Scott I am very proud of him and he will love his mission and do great. Thanks for everything.
I Love you all tons, Elder Barnard

P.S. Please tell my friends that I have not been able to write, it is just very, very busy and I'm going as fast as I can to get everything done. I hope they understand.

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