Saturday, July 05, 2008

Cameryn Kaye Bates

Cameryn is our very first grandchild. She was born nine years ago yesterday. July 4th is such a special birthday for such a special girl. Angie and Ben were living in Logan at the time and Angie was just finishing her degree at Utah State. They called us about midnight and said that they were just heading to the hospital. Bruce and I jumped into the car and drove to Logan. We arrived there about 2 A.M. and she was born shortly after. We were all so excited to be there to welcome her to our family.

Cameryn is such a loving, sweet girl. As she is very outgoing and loves to talk, she has many friends. She has great concern for others. If there are any problems with family or friends, she will start fasting and praying for them. She loves artistic things - knitting, painting pictures, reading, gardening, cooking, music etc. She is a kind big sister to her three younger siblings and she is always willing to help out around the house or with babysitting.

I wish I had more recent pictures of her, but I haven't seen her since last summer. They live a long ways away - in Bath, North Carolina. We are so happy that we will be seeing all of our grandchildren in just a few weeks. The Heavens and the Bates will all be coming to visit us at the end of this month and staying through the first part of August. We will all have some time together before Will leaves on his mission to Bogota Colombia.



Char said...

We've really enjoyed a visit with Cam and her family. And what a fun birthday we celebrated with her. She keeps us smiling!

Janine said...

Angie says they have had a great time with you guys this past week. They have also really enjoyed seeing the sights of Chicago - what an exciting city to live near. Congratulations on your newest addition. Little boys are wonderful. Take care.